Tamara Driessen

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Sustainable Spirituality with Jill Urwin

Do you ever wonder about who mines your crystals or where your White Sage comes from? You might have read articles reporting the shadow-side of crystals and heard people mention that Palo Santo is being over-harvested. As spiritually-conscious people, we want to make sure that we’re part of the solution and not the problem. In this week’s episode of Another Phase, Tamara is joined by Jill Urwin, one of the founders of She’s Lost Control, a conscious lifestyle brand. During this insightful conversation, Jill Shares her insider knowledge of the crystal mining industry and the conversations that she’s had with tribes people about Palo Santo. And most importantly, how we can make sure that our spiritual practices are as ethical and sustainable, as possible. You can also expect some chat about manifesting with the Moon, moon signs and what goes on behind the scenes of running their businesses.