Online Ceremony



7 - 9 PM (GMT)



Have you ever wondered who your spirit guide is?

Or perhaps you know them; except lately you’ve been playing hard to get?

Life keeps getting in the way of all your best plans.

In an ideal world, you’d be doing all the witchy and mystical things.

But recently your brain’s been kinda foggy.

Feeling like you’re on auto-pilot.

Unsure of what to do next.

You’ve just been trying to keep your head down and get on with things.

Staying busy.

But despite everything that you’ve been doing, it’s as if you’re going nowhere fast.

The status quo’s got you feeling stuck.

Somewhere, somehow; you’ve lost your sense of connection.

Missing that magic ingredient.

Craving some clarity.

And a break from the mundane.


During this time of year, the veil is said to be thin between the earthly and spiritual realms, and it's easier to engage with our spirit guides for guidance and support. Join Tamara for Meet Your Spirit Guide via Zoom; a guided journey to connect with your spirit guide(s).


Think of this as a cosmic date with the Universe where you can channel your inner witch and receive spiritual guidance and support.



You turn your room into a sanctuary, light some candles and set up an altar based on the guide that you receive from Tamara. Your laptop/iPad/smartphone is fully charged and ready to log in to Zoom. Closing the door behind you; signalling that you don’t want to be disturbed for the next two hours. You get comfortable and a few minutes before the ceremony begins, you make sure that you’ve got your crystals, pen and journal within reach and a cup of tea in your favourite mug.

Tamara goes live and explains how you’re going to connect with your Spirit Guide, including some tips on getting the most out of the experience. If you’re feeling shy, you know that you don’t have to have your camera on. Safe in the knowledge that either way you don’t have to speak on screen. There’s a chat box to interact with the group and share anything if you want to.

Tamara will teach you some practices for good-vibe hygiene, how to protect your energy and how to turn up the volume to your intuition.

Before the meditative journey begins, Tamara leads you through a ritual that will help you call in your spirit guides (this is not a séance; we won't be calling up any ghosts and ghouls).

Then it’s time to meet your spirit guide. You close your eyes and start to relax; as Tamara walks you through the journey.

There’s time to journal and write down any insights that you’ve gained from the experience.


Does this sound like what you’re looking for?


Can’t make it to the live ceremony? When you book a ticket for this online event you’ll receive access to the replay which will be available until 14/11/2022 at 23:59 PM (GMT) days so you can catch up when it suits you or tune in as many times as you want to get an extra dose of healing.

No previous meditation/spiritual/mystical/crystal/ceremony experience is necessary. If this event is calling your name; we'd love to have you with us.

